/* * jssor 19.0 * http://www./ * * licensed under the mit license: * http:///licenses/mit * * terms of use - jssor * * copyright 2014 jssor * * permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "software"), to deal in the software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to * permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * the software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, * express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and * noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be * liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action * of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection * with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. */ /*! jssor */ //$jssordebug$ var $jssordebug$ = new function () { this.$debugmode = true; // methods this.$log = function (msg, important) { var console = window.console || {}; var debug = this.$debugmode; if (debug && console.log) { console.log(msg); } else if (debug && important) { alert(msg); } }; this.$error = function (msg, e) { var console = window.console || {}; var debug = this.$debugmode; if (debug && console.error) { console.error(msg); } else if (debug) { alert(msg); } if (debug) { // since we're debugging, fail fast by crashing throw e || new error(msg); } }; this.$fail = function (msg) { throw new error(msg); }; this.$assert = function (value, msg) { var debug = this.$debugmode; if (debug) { if (!value) throw new error("assert failed " + msg || ""); } }; this.$trace = function (msg) { var console = window.console || {}; var debug = this.$debugmode; if (debug && console.log) { console.log(msg); } }; this.$execute = function (func) { var debug = this.$debugmode; if (debug) func(); }; this.$livestamp = function (obj, id) { var debug = this.$debugmode; if (debug) { var stamp = document.createelement("div"); stamp.setattribute("id", id); obj.$live = stamp; } }; this.$c_abstractmethod = function () { /// /// tells compiler the method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass. /// throw new error("the method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass."); }; function c_abstractclass(instance) { /// /// tells compiler the class is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass. /// if (instance.constructor === c_abstractclass.caller) throw new error("cannot create instance of an abstract class."); } this.$c_abstractclass = c_abstractclass; }; //$jssoreasing$ var $jssoreasing$ = window.$jssoreasing$ = { $easelinear: function (t) { return t; }, $easegoback: function (t) { return 1 - math.abs((t *= 2) - 1); }, $easeswing: function (t) { return -math.cos(t * math.pi) / 2 + .5; }, $easeinquad: function (t) { return t * t; }, $easeoutquad: function (t) { return -t * (t - 2); }, $easeinoutquad: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t : -1 / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1); }, $easeincubic: function (t) { return t * t * t; }, $easeoutcubic: function (t) { return (t -= 1) * t * t + 1; }, $easeinoutcubic: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2); }, $easeinquart: function (t) { return t * t * t * t; }, $easeoutquart: function (t) { return -((t -= 1) * t * t * t - 1); }, $easeinoutquart: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t : -1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2); }, $easeinquint: function (t) { return t * t * t * t * t; }, $easeoutquint: function (t) { return (t -= 1) * t * t * t * t + 1; }, $easeinoutquint: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2); }, $easeinsine: function (t) { return 1 - math.cos(t * math.pi / 2); }, $easeoutsine: function (t) { return math.sin(t * math.pi / 2); }, $easeinoutsine: function (t) { return -1 / 2 * (math.cos(math.pi * t) - 1); }, $easeinexpo: function (t) { return t == 0 ? 0 : math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); }, $easeoutexpo: function (t) { return t == 1 ? 1 : -math.pow(2, -10 * t) + 1; }, $easeinoutexpo: function (t) { return t == 0 || t == 1 ? t : (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 1 / 2 * (-math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2); }, $easeincirc: function (t) { return -(math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1); }, $easeoutcirc: function (t) { return math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 1) * t); }, $easeinoutcirc: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -1 / 2 * (math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) : 1 / 2 * (math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1); }, $easeinelastic: function (t) { if (!t || t == 1) return t; var p = .3, s = .075; return -(math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * math.sin((t - s) * 2 * math.pi / p)); }, $easeoutelastic: function (t) { if (!t || t == 1) return t; var p = .3, s = .075; return math.pow(2, -10 * t) * math.sin((t - s) * 2 * math.pi / p) + 1; }, $easeinoutelastic: function (t) { if (!t || t == 1) return t; var p = .45, s = .1125; return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * math.sin((t - s) * 2 * math.pi / p) : math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * math.sin((t - s) * 2 * math.pi / p) * .5 + 1; }, $easeinback: function (t) { var s = 1.70158; return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s); }, $easeoutback: function (t) { var s = 1.70158; return (t -= 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1; }, $easeinoutback: function (t) { var s = 1.70158; return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t - s) : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t + s) + 2); }, $easeinbounce: function (t) { return 1 - $jssoreasing$.$easeoutbounce(1 - t) }, $easeoutbounce: function (t) { return t < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * t * t : t < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375; }, $easeinoutbounce: function (t) { return t < 1 / 2 ? $jssoreasing$.$easeinbounce(t * 2) * .5 : $jssoreasing$.$easeoutbounce(t * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5; }, $easeinwave: function (t) { return 1 - math.cos(t * math.pi * 2) }, $easeoutwave: function (t) { return math.sin(t * math.pi * 2); }, $easeoutjump: function (t) { return 1 - (((t *= 2) < 1) ? (t = 1 - t) * t * t : (t -= 1) * t * t); }, $easeinjump: function (t) { return ((t *= 2) < 1) ? t * t * t : (t = 2 - t) * t * t; } }; var $jssordirection$ = window.$jssordirection$ = { $to_left: 0x0001, $to_right: 0x0002, $to_top: 0x0004, $to_bottom: 0x0008, $horizontal: 0x0003, $vertical: 0x000c, $leftright: 0x0003, $topbotom: 0x000c, $topleft: 0x0005, $topright: 0x0006, $bottomleft: 0x0009, $bottomright: 0x000a, $around: 0x000f, $getdirectionhorizontal: function (direction) { return direction & 0x0003; }, $getdirectionvertical: function (direction) { return direction & 0x000c; }, $chesshorizontal: function (direction) { return (~direction & 0x0003) + (direction & 0x000c); }, $chessvertical: function (direction) { return (~direction & 0x000c) + (direction & 0x0003); }, $istoleft: function (direction) { return (direction & 0x0003) == 0x0001; }, $istoright: function (direction) { return (direction & 0x0003) == 0x0002; }, $istotop: function (direction) { return (direction & 0x000c) == 0x0004; }, $istobottom: function (direction) { return (direction & 0x000c) == 0x0008; }, $ishorizontal: function (direction) { return (direction & 0x0003) > 0; }, $isvertical: function (direction) { return (direction & 0x000c) > 0; } }; var $jssorkeycode$ = { $backspace: 8, $comma: 188, $delete: 46, $down: 40, $end: 35, $enter: 13, $escape: 27, $home: 36, $left: 37, $numpad_add: 107, $numpad_decimal: 110, $numpad_divide: 111, $numpad_enter: 108, $numpad_multiply: 106, $numpad_subtract: 109, $page_down: 34, $page_up: 33, $period: 190, $right: 39, $space: 32, $tab: 9, $up: 38 }; var $jssoralignment$ = { $topleft: 0x11, $topcenter: 0x12, $topright: 0x14, $middleleft: 0x21, $middlecenter: 0x22, $middleright: 0x24, $bottomleft: 0x41, $bottomcenter: 0x42, $bottomright: 0x44, $istop: function (aligment) { return aligment & 0x10 > 0; }, $ismiddle: function (alignment) { return alignment & 0x20 > 0; }, $isbottom: function (alignment) { return alignment & 0x40 > 0; }, $isleft: function (alignment) { return alignment & 0x01 > 0; }, $iscenter: function (alignment) { return alignment & 0x02 > 0; }, $isright: function (alignment) { return alignment & 0x04 > 0; } }; var $jssormatrix$; var $jssoranimator$; // $jssor$ is a static class, so make it singleton instance var $jssor$ = window.$jssor$ = new function () { // fields var _this = this; var regex_whitespace_global = /\s+/g; var rowser_unknown = 0; var browser_ie = 1; var browser_firefox = 2; var browser_firefox = 3; var browser_chrome = 4; var browser_opera = 5; //var arractivex = ["msxml2.xmlhttp", "msxml3.xmlhttp", "microsoft.xmlhttp"]; var browser = 0; var browserruntimeversion = 0; var browserengineversion = 0; var browserjavascriptversion = 0; var webkitversion = 0; var app = navigator.appname; var ver = navigator.appversion; var ua = navigator.useragent; var _docelmt = document.documentelement; var _transformproperty; function detectbrowser() { if (!browser) { if (app == "microsoft internet explorer" && !!window.attachevent && !!window.activexobject) { var ieoffset = ua.indexof("msie"); browser = browser_ie; browserengineversion = parsefloat(ua.substring(ieoffset + 5, ua.indexof(";", ieoffset))); //check ie javascript version /*@cc_on browserjavascriptversion = @_jscript_version; @*/ // update: for intranet sites and compat view list sites, ie sends // an ie7 user-agent to the server to be interoperable, and even if // the page requests a later ie version, ie will still report the // ie7 ua to js. we should be robust to self //var docmode = document.documentmode; //if (typeof docmode !== "undefined") { // browserruntimeversion = docmode; //} browserruntimeversion = document.documentmode || browserengineversion; } else if (app == "netscape" && !!window.addeventlistener) { var ffoffset = ua.indexof("firefox"); var saoffset = ua.indexof("safari"); var choffset = ua.indexof("chrome"); var webkitoffset = ua.indexof("applewebkit"); if (ffoffset >= 0) { browser = browser_firefox; browserruntimeversion = parsefloat(ua.substring(ffoffset + 8)); } else if (saoffset >= 0) { var slash = ua.substring(0, saoffset).lastindexof("/"); browser = (choffset >= 0) ? browser_chrome : browser_firefox; browserruntimeversion = parsefloat(ua.substring(slash + 1, saoffset)); } if (webkitoffset >= 0) webkitversion = parsefloat(ua.substring(webkitoffset + 12)); } else { var match = /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i.exec(ua); if (match) { browser = browser_opera; browserruntimeversion = parsefloat(match[2]); } } } } function isbrowserie() { detectbrowser(); return browser == browser_ie; } function isbrowseriequirks() { return isbrowserie() && (browserruntimeversion < 6 || document.compatmode == "backcompat"); //composite to "css1compat" } function isbrowserfirefox() { detectbrowser(); return browser == browser_firefox; } function isbrowsersafari() { detectbrowser(); return browser == browser_firefox; } function isbrowserchrome() { detectbrowser(); return browser == browser_chrome; } function isbrowseropera() { detectbrowser(); return browser == browser_opera; } function isbrowserbadtransform() { return isbrowsersafari() && (webkitversion > 534) && (webkitversion < 535); } function isbrowserie9earlier() { return isbrowserie() && browserruntimeversion < 9; } function gettransformproperty(elmt) { if (!_transformproperty) { // note that in some versions of ie9 it is critical that // mstransform appear in this list before moztransform each(['transform', 'webkittransform', 'mstransform', 'moztransform', 'otransform'], function (property) { if (elmt.style[property] != undefined) { _transformproperty = property; return true; } }); _transformproperty = _transformproperty || "transform"; } return _transformproperty; } // helpers function getoffsetparent(elmt, isfixed) { // ie and opera "fixed" position elements don't have offset parents. // regardless, if it's fixed, its offset parent is the body. if (isfixed && elmt != document.body) { return document.body; } else { return elmt.offsetparent; } } function tostring(obj) { return object.prototype.tostring.call(obj); } // [[class]] -> type pairs var class2type; function each(object, callback) { if (tostring(object) == "[object array]") { for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { if (callback(object[i], i, object)) { return true; } } } else { for (var name in object) { if (callback(object[name], name, object)) { return true; } } } } function getclass2type() { if (!class2type) { class2type = {}; each(["boolean", "number", "string", "function", "array", "date", "regexp", "object"], function (name) { class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.tolowercase(); }); } return class2type; } function type(obj) { return obj == null ? string(obj) : getclass2type()[tostring(obj)] || "object"; } function isplainobject(obj) { // must be an object. // because of ie, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property. // make sure that dom nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well if (!obj || type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodetype || _this.$iswindow(obj)) { return false; } var hasown = object.prototype.hasownproperty; try { // not own constructor property must be object if (obj.constructor && !hasown.call(obj, "constructor") && !hasown.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isprototypeof")) { return false; } } catch (e) { // ie8,9 will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897 return false; } // own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up, // if last one is own, then all properties are own. var key; for (key in obj) { } return key === undefined || hasown.call(obj, key); } function point(x, y) { return { x: x, y: y }; } function delay(code, delay) { settimeout(code, delay || 0); } function removebyreg(str, reg) { var m = reg.exec(str); if (m) { var header = str.substr(0, m.index); var tailer = str.substr(m.lastindex + 1, str.length - (m.lastindex + 1)); str = header + tailer; } return str; } function buildnewcss(oldcss, removeregs, replacevalue) { var css = (!oldcss || oldcss == "inherit") ? "" : oldcss; each(removeregs, function (removereg) { var m = removereg.exec(css); if (m) { var header = css.substr(0, m.index); var tailer = css.substr(m.lastindex + 1, css.length - (m.lastindex + 1)); css = header + tailer; } }); css = replacevalue + (css.indexof(" ") != 0 ? " " : "") + css; return css; } function setstylefilterie(elmt, value) { if (browserruntimeversion < 9) { elmt.style.filter = value; } } function setstylematrixie(elmt, matrix, offset) { //matrix is not for ie9+ running in ie8- mode if (browserjavascriptversion < 9) { var oldfiltervalue = elmt.style.filter; var matrixreg = new regexp(/[\s]*progid:dximagetransform\.microsoft\.matrix\([^\)]*\)/g); var matrixvalue = matrix ? "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.matrix(" + "m11=" + matrix[0][0] + ", m12=" + matrix[0][1] + ", m21=" + matrix[1][0] + ", m22=" + matrix[1][1] + ", sizingmethod='auto expand')" : ""; var newfiltervalue = buildnewcss(oldfiltervalue, [matrixreg], matrixvalue); setstylefilterie(elmt, newfiltervalue); _this.$cssmargintop(elmt, offset.y); _this.$cssmarginleft(elmt, offset.x); } } // methods //_this.$istouchdevice = function () { // return /android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test(ua); //}; _this.$isbrowserie = isbrowserie; _this.$isbrowseriequirks = isbrowseriequirks; _this.$isbrowserfirefox = isbrowserfirefox; _this.$isbrowsersafari = isbrowsersafari; _this.$isbrowserchrome = isbrowserchrome; _this.$isbrowseropera = isbrowseropera; _this.$isbrowserbadtransform = isbrowserbadtransform; _this.$isbrowserie9earlier = isbrowserie9earlier; _this.$browserversion = function () { return browserruntimeversion; }; _this.$browserengineversion = function () { return browserengineversion || browserruntimeversion; }; _this.$webkitversion = function () { detectbrowser(); return webkitversion; }; _this.$delay = delay; _this.$inherit = function (instance, baseclass) { baseclass.apply(instance, [].slice.call(arguments, 2)); return extend({}, instance); }; function construct(instance) { instance.constructor === construct.caller && instance.$construct && instance.$construct(); } _this.$construct = construct; _this.$getelement = function (elmt) { if (_this.$isstring(elmt)) { elmt = document.getelementbyid(elmt); } return elmt; }; function getevent(event) { return event || window.event; } _this.$getevent = getevent; _this.$eventsrc = function (event) { event = getevent(event); return event.target || event.srcelement || document; }; _this.$eventdst = function (event) { event = getevent(event); return event.relatedtarget || event.toelement; }; _this.$mouseposition = function (event) { event = getevent(event); var body = document.body; return { x: event.pagex || event.clientx + (_docelmt.scrollleft || body.scrollleft || 0) - (_docelmt.clientleft || body.clientleft || 0) || 0, y: event.pagey || event.clienty + (_docelmt.scrolltop || body.scrolltop || 0) - (_docelmt.clienttop || body.clienttop || 0) || 0 }; }; _this.$pagescroll = function () { var body = document.body; return { x: (window.pagexoffset || _docelmt.scrollleft || body.scrollleft || 0) - (_docelmt.clientleft || body.clientleft || 0), y: (window.pageyoffset || _docelmt.scrolltop || body.scrolltop || 0) - (_docelmt.clienttop || body.clienttop || 0) }; }; _this.$windowsize = function () { var body = document.body; return { x: body.clientwidth || _docelmt.clientwidth, y: body.clientheight || _docelmt.clientheight }; }; //_this.$getelementposition = function (elmt) { // elmt = _this.$getelement(elmt); // var result = point(); // // technique from: // // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html // // with special check for "fixed" elements. // while (elmt) { // result.x += elmt.offsetleft; // result.y += elmt.offsettop; // var isfixed = _this.$getelementstyle(elmt).position == "fixed"; // if (isfixed) { // result = result.$plus(_this.$pagescroll(window)); // } // elmt = getoffsetparent(elmt, isfixed); // } // return result; //}; //_this.$getmousescroll = function (event) { // event = getevent(event); // var delta = 0; // default value // // technique from: // // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/10/31/javascript-tutorial-the-scroll-wheel/ // if (typeof (event.wheeldelta) == "number") { // delta = event.wheeldelta; // } else if (typeof (event.detail) == "number") { // delta = event.detail * -1; // } else { // $jssordebug$.$fail("unknown event mouse scroll, no known technique."); // } // // normalize value to [-1, 1] // return delta ? delta / math.abs(delta) : 0; //}; //_this.$makeajaxrequest = function (url, callback) { // var async = typeof (callback) == "function"; // var req = null; // if (async) { // var actual = callback; // var callback = function () { // delay($jssor$.$createcallback(null, actual, req), 1); // }; // } // if (window.activexobject) { // for (var i = 0; i < arractivex.length; i++) { // try { // req = new activexobject(arractivex[i]); // break; // } catch (e) { // continue; // } // } // } else if (window.xmlhttprequest) { // req = new xmlhttprequest(); // } // if (!req) { // $jssordebug$.$fail("browser doesn't support xmlhttprequest."); // } // if (async) { // req.onreadystatechange = function () { // if (req.readystate == 4) { // // prevent memory leaks by breaking circular reference now // req.onreadystatechange = new function(); // callback(); // } // }; // } // try { // req.open("get", url, async); // req.send(null); // } catch (e) { // $jssordebug$.$log(e.name + " while making ajax request: " + e.message); // req.onreadystatechange = null; // req = null; // if (async) { // callback(); // } // } // return async ? null : req; //}; //_this.$parsexml = function (string) { // var xmldoc = null; // if (window.activexobject) { // try { // xmldoc = new activexobject("microsoft.xmldom"); // xmldoc.async = false; // xmldoc.loadxml(string); // } catch (e) { // $jssordebug$.$log(e.name + " while parsing xml (activex): " + e.message); // } // } else if (window.domparser) { // try { // var parser = new domparser(); // xmldoc = parser.parsefromstring(string, "text/xml"); // } catch (e) { // $jssordebug$.$log(e.name + " while parsing xml (domparser): " + e.message); // } // } else { // $jssordebug$.$fail("browser doesn't support xml dom."); // } // return xmldoc; //}; function css(elmt, name, value) { /// /// access css /// $jssor$.$css(elmt, name); //get css value /// $jssor$.$css(elmt, name, value); //set css value /// /// /// the element to access css /// /// /// the name of css property /// /// /// the value to set /// if (value != undefined) { elmt.style[name] = value; } else { var style = elmt.currentstyle || elmt.style; value = style[name]; if (value == "" && window.getcomputedstyle) { style = elmt.ownerdocument.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(elmt, null); style && (value = style.getpropertyvalue(name) || style[name]); } return value; } } function cssn(elmt, name, value, isdimensional) { /// /// access css as numeric /// $jssor$.$cssn(elmt, name); //get css value /// $jssor$.$cssn(elmt, name, value); //set css value /// /// /// the element to access css /// /// /// the name of css property /// /// /// the value to set /// if (value != undefined) { isdimensional && (value += "px"); css(elmt, name, value); } else { return parsefloat(css(elmt, name)); } } function cssp(elmt, name, value) { /// /// access css in pixel as numeric, like 'top', 'left', 'width', 'height' /// $jssor$.$cssp(elmt, name); //get css value /// $jssor$.$cssp(elmt, name, value); //set css value /// /// /// the element to access css /// /// /// the name of css property /// /// /// the value to set /// return cssn(elmt, name, value, true); } function cssproxy(name, numericordimension) { /// /// create proxy to access css, cssproxy(name[, numericordimension]); /// /// /// the element to access css /// /// /// not set: access original css, 1: access css as numeric, 2: access css in pixel as numeric /// var isdimensional = numericordimension & 2; var cssaccessor = numericordimension ? cssn : css; return function (elmt, value) { return cssaccessor(elmt, name, value, isdimensional); }; } function getstyleopacity(elmt) { if (isbrowserie() && browserengineversion < 9) { var match = /opacity=([^)]*)/.exec(elmt.style.filter || ""); return match ? (parsefloat(match[1]) / 100) : 1; } else return parsefloat(elmt.style.opacity || "1"); } function setstyleopacity(elmt, opacity, ie9earlierforce) { if (isbrowserie() && browserengineversion < 9) { //var filtername = "filter"; // browserengineversion < 8 ? "filter" : "-ms-filter"; var finalfilter = elmt.style.filter || ""; // for css filter browsers (ie), remove alpha filter if it's unnecessary. // update: doing _this always since ie9 beta seems to have broken the // behavior if we rely on the programmatic filters collection. var alphareg = new regexp(/[\s]*alpha\([^\)]*\)/g); // important: note the lazy star! _this protects against // multiple filters; we don't want to delete the other ones. // update: also trimming extra whitespace around filter. var ieopacity = math.round(100 * opacity); var alphafilter = ""; if (ieopacity < 100 || ie9earlierforce) { alphafilter = "alpha(opacity=" + ieopacity + ") "; //elmt.style["-ms-filter"] = "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opacity=" + ieopacity + ") "; } var newfiltervalue = buildnewcss(finalfilter, [alphareg], alphafilter); setstylefilterie(elmt, newfiltervalue); } //if (!isbrowserie() || browserengineversion >= 9) else { elmt.style.opacity = opacity == 1 ? "" : math.round(opacity * 100) / 100; } } function setstyletransforminternal(elmt, transform) { var rotate = transform.$rotate || 0; var scale = transform.$scale == undefined ? 1 : transform.$scale; if (isbrowserie9earlier()) { var matrix = _this.$creatematrix(rotate / 180 * math.pi, scale, scale); setstylematrixie(elmt, (!rotate && scale == 1) ? null : matrix, _this.$getmatrixoffset(matrix, transform.$originalwidth, transform.$originalheight)); } else { //rotate(15deg) scale(.5) translatez(0) var transformproperty = gettransformproperty(elmt); if (transformproperty) { var transformvalue = "rotate(" + rotate % 360 + "deg) scale(" + scale + ")"; //needed for touch device, no need for desktop device if (isbrowserchrome() && webkitversion > 535 && "ontouchstart" in window) transformvalue += " perspective(2000px)"; elmt.style[transformproperty] = transformvalue; } } } _this.$setstyletransform = function (elmt, transform) { if (isbrowserbadtransform()) { delay(_this.$createcallback(null, setstyletransforminternal, elmt, transform)); } else { setstyletransforminternal(elmt, transform); } }; _this.$setstyletransformorigin = function (elmt, transformorigin) { var transformproperty = gettransformproperty(elmt); if (transformproperty) elmt.style[transformproperty + "origin"] = transformorigin; }; _this.$cssscale = function (elmt, scale) { if (isbrowserie() && browserengineversion < 9 || (browserengineversion < 10 && isbrowseriequirks())) { elmt.style.zoom = (scale == 1) ? "" : scale; } else { var transformproperty = gettransformproperty(elmt); if (transformproperty) { //rotate(15deg) scale(.5) var transformvalue = "scale(" + scale + ")"; var oldtransformvalue = elmt.style[transformproperty]; var scalereg = new regexp(/[\s]*scale\(.*?\)/g); var newtransformvalue = buildnewcss(oldtransformvalue, [scalereg], transformvalue); elmt.style[transformproperty] = newtransformvalue; } } }; _this.$enablehwa = function (elmt) { if (!elmt.style[gettransformproperty(elmt)] || elmt.style[gettransformproperty(elmt)] == "none") elmt.style[gettransformproperty(elmt)] = "perspective(2000px)"; }; _this.$disablehwa = function (elmt) { //if (force || elmt.style[gettransformproperty(elmt)] == "perspective(2000px)") elmt.style[gettransformproperty(elmt)] = "none"; }; var ie8offsetwidth = 0; var ie8offsetheight = 0; //var ie8windowresizecallbackhandlers; //var ie8lastverticalscrollbar; //var toggleinfo = ""; //function ie8windowresizefilter(window, handler) { // var trigger = true; // var checkelement = (isbrowseriequirks() ? window.document.body : window.document.documentelement); // if (checkelement) { // //check vertical bar // //var hasverticalbar = checkelement.scrollheight > checkelement.clientheight; // //var verticalbartoggle = hasverticalbar != ie8lastverticalscrollbar; // //ie8lastverticalscrollbar = hasverticalbar; // var widthchange = checkelement.offsetwidth - ie8offsetwidth; // var heightchange = checkelement.offsetheight - ie8offsetheight; // if (widthchange || heightchange) { // ie8offsetwidth += widthchange; // ie8offsetheight += heightchange; // } // else // trigger = false; // } // trigger && handler(); //} //_this.$onwindowresize = function (window, handler) { // if (isbrowserie() && browserengineversion < 9) { // if (!ie8windowresizecallbackhandlers) { // ie8windowresizecallbackhandlers = [handler]; // handler = _this.$createcallback(null, ie8windowresizefilter, window); // } // else { // ie8windowresizecallbackhandlers.push(handler); // return; // } // } // _this.$addevent(window, "resize", handler); //}; _this.$windowresizefilter = function (window, handler) { return isbrowserie9earlier() ? function () { var trigger = true; var checkelement = (isbrowseriequirks() ? window.document.body : window.document.documentelement); if (checkelement) { //check vertical bar //var hasverticalbar = checkelement.scrollheight > checkelement.clientheight; //var verticalbartoggle = hasverticalbar != ie8lastverticalscrollbar; //ie8lastverticalscrollbar = hasverticalbar; var widthchange = checkelement.offsetwidth - ie8offsetwidth; var heightchange = checkelement.offsetheight - ie8offsetheight; if (widthchange || heightchange) { ie8offsetwidth += widthchange; ie8offsetheight += heightchange; } else trigger = false; } trigger && handler(); } : handler; }; _this.$mouseoveroutfilter = function (handler, target) { /// /// the target element to detect mouse over/out events. (for ie < 9 compatibility) /// $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (!target) { throw new error("null reference, parameter \"target\"."); } }); return function (event) { event = getevent(event); var eventname = event.type; var related = event.relatedtarget || (eventname == "mouseout" ? event.toelement : event.fromelement); if (!related || (related !== target && !_this.$ischild(target, related))) { handler(event); } }; }; _this.$addevent = function (elmt, eventname, handler, usecapture) { elmt = _this.$getelement(elmt); // technique from: // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/ if (elmt.addeventlistener) { if (eventname == "mousewheel") { elmt.addeventlistener("dommousescroll", handler, usecapture); } // we are still going to add the mousewheel -- not a mistake! // _this is for opera, since it uses onmousewheel but needs addeventlistener. elmt.addeventlistener(eventname, handler, usecapture); } else if (elmt.attachevent) { elmt.attachevent("on" + eventname, handler); if (usecapture && elmt.setcapture) { elmt.setcapture(); } } $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (!elmt.addeventlistener && !elmt.attachevent) { $jssordebug$.$fail("unable to attach event handler, no known technique."); } }); }; _this.$removeevent = function (elmt, eventname, handler, usecapture) { elmt = _this.$getelement(elmt); // technique from: // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/ if (elmt.removeeventlistener) { if (eventname == "mousewheel") { elmt.removeeventlistener("dommousescroll", handler, usecapture); } // we are still going to remove the mousewheel -- not a mistake! // _this is for opera, since it uses onmousewheel but needs removeeventlistener. elmt.removeeventlistener(eventname, handler, usecapture); } else if (elmt.detachevent) { elmt.detachevent("on" + eventname, handler); if (usecapture && elmt.releasecapture) { elmt.releasecapture(); } } }; _this.$fireevent = function (elmt, eventname) { //var document = elmt.document; $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (!document.createevent && !document.createeventobject) { $jssordebug$.$fail("unable to fire event, no known technique."); } if (!elmt.dispatchevent && !elmt.fireevent) { $jssordebug$.$fail("unable to fire event, no known technique."); } }); var evento; if (document.createevent) { evento = document.createevent("htmlevents"); evento.initevent(eventname, false, false); elmt.dispatchevent(evento); } else { var ieeventname = "on" + eventname; evento = document.createeventobject(); //event.eventtype = ieeventname; //event.eventname = ieeventname; elmt.fireevent(ieeventname, evento); } }; _this.$addeventbrowsermouseup = function (handler, usercapture) { _this.$addevent((isbrowserie9earlier()) ? document : window, "mouseup", handler, usercapture); }; _this.$removeeventbrowsermouseup = function (handler, usercapture) { _this.$removeevent((isbrowserie9earlier()) ? document : window, "mouseup", handler, usercapture); }; //_this.$addeventbrowsermousedown = function (handler, usercapture) { // _this.$addevent((isbrowserie9earlier()) ? document : window, "mousedown", handler, usercapture); //}; //_this.$removeeventbrowsermousedown = function (handler, usercapture) { // _this.$removeevent((isbrowserie9earlier()) ? document : window, "mousedown", handler, usercapture); //}; _this.$cancelevent = function (event) { event = getevent(event); // technique from: // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/ if (event.preventdefault) { event.preventdefault(); // w3c for preventing default } event.cancel = true; // legacy for preventing default event.returnvalue = false; // ie for preventing default }; _this.$stopevent = function (event) { event = getevent(event); // technique from: // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/ if (event.stoppropagation) { event.stoppropagation(); // w3c for stopping propagation } event.cancelbubble = true; // ie for stopping propagation }; _this.$createcallback = function (object, method) { // create callback args var initialargs = [].slice.call(arguments, 2); // create closure to apply method var callback = function () { // concatenate new args, but make a copy of initialargs first var args = initialargs.concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0)); return method.apply(object, args); }; //$jssordebug$.$livestamp(callback, "callback_" + ($jssor$.$getnow() & 0xffffff)); return callback; }; var _freeer; _this.$freeelement = function (elmt) { if (!_freeer) _freeer = _this.$creatediv(); if (elmt) { $jssor$.$appendchild(_freeer, elmt); $jssor$.$clearinnerhtml(_freeer); } }; _this.$innertext = function (elmt, text) { if (text == undefined) return elmt.textcontent || elmt.innertext; var textnode = document.createtextnode(text); _this.$clearinnerhtml(elmt); elmt.appendchild(textnode); }; _this.$innerhtml = function (elmt, html) { if (html == undefined) return elmt.innerhtml; elmt.innerhtml = html; }; _this.$getclientrect = function (elmt) { var rect = elmt.getboundingclientrect(); return { x: rect.left, y: rect.top, w: rect.right - rect.left, h: rect.bottom - rect.top }; }; _this.$clearinnerhtml = function (elmt) { elmt.innerhtml = ""; }; _this.$encodehtml = function (text) { var div = _this.$creatediv(); _this.$innertext(div, text); return _this.$innerhtml(div); }; _this.$decodehtml = function (html) { var div = _this.$creatediv(); _this.$innerhtml(div, html); return _this.$innertext(div); }; _this.$selectelement = function (elmt) { var userselection; if (window.getselection) { //w3c default userselection = window.getselection(); } var therange = null; if (document.createrange) { therange = document.createrange(); therange.selectnode(elmt); } else { therange = document.body.createtextrange(); therange.movetoelementtext(elmt); therange.select(); } //set user selection if (userselection) userselection.addrange(therange); }; _this.$deselectelements = function () { if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); } else if (window.getselection) { window.getselection().removeallranges(); } }; _this.$children = function (elmt) { var children = []; for (var tmpel = elmt.firstchild; tmpel; tmpel = tmpel.nextsibling) { if (tmpel.nodetype == 1) { children.push(tmpel); } } return children; }; function findchild(elmt, attrvalue, nodeep, attrname) { attrname = attrname || "u"; for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstchild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextsibling) { if (elmt.nodetype == 1) { if (attributeex(elmt, attrname) == attrvalue) return elmt; if (!nodeep) { var childret = findchild(elmt, attrvalue, nodeep, attrname); if (childret) return childret; } } } } _this.$findchild = findchild; function findchildren(elmt, attrvalue, nodeep, attrname) { attrname = attrname || "u"; var ret = []; for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstchild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextsibling) { if (elmt.nodetype == 1) { if (attributeex(elmt, attrname) == attrvalue) ret.push(elmt); if (!nodeep) { var childret = findchildren(elmt, attrvalue, nodeep, attrname); if (childret.length) ret = ret.concat(childret); } } } return ret; } _this.$findchildren = findchildren; function findchildbytag(elmt, tagname, nodeep) { for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstchild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextsibling) { if (elmt.nodetype == 1) { if (elmt.tagname == tagname) return elmt; if (!nodeep) { var childret = findchildbytag(elmt, tagname, nodeep); if (childret) return childret; } } } } _this.$findchildbytag = findchildbytag; function findchildrenbytag(elmt, tagname, nodeep) { var ret = []; for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstchild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextsibling) { if (elmt.nodetype == 1) { if (!tagname || elmt.tagname == tagname) ret.push(elmt); if (!nodeep) { var childret = findchildrenbytag(elmt, tagname, nodeep); if (childret.length) ret = ret.concat(childret); } } } return ret; } _this.$findchildrenbytag = findchildrenbytag; _this.$getelementsbytag = function (elmt, tagname) { return elmt.getelementsbytagname(tagname); }; function extend(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var options = arguments[i]; // only deal with non-null/undefined values if (options) { // extend the base object for (var name in options) { target[name] = options[name]; } } } // return the modified object return target; } _this.$extend = extend; function unextend(target, options) { $jssordebug$.$assert(options); var unextended = {}; // extend the base object for (var name in target) { if (target[name] !== options[name]) { unextended[name] = target[name]; } } // return the modified object return unextended; } _this.$unextend = unextend; _this.$isundefined = function (obj) { return type(obj) == "undefined"; }; _this.$isfunction = function (obj) { return type(obj) == "function"; }; _this.$isarray = function (obj) { return type(obj) == "array"; }; _this.$isstring = function (obj) { return type(obj) == "string"; }; _this.$isnumeric = function (obj) { return !isnan(parsefloat(obj)) && isfinite(obj); }; _this.$iswindow = function (obj) { return obj && obj == obj.window; }; _this.$type = type; // args is for internal usage only _this.$each = each; _this.$isplainobject = isplainobject; function createelement(tagname) { return document.createelement(tagname); } _this.$createelement = createelement; _this.$creatediv = function () { return createelement("div", document); }; _this.$createspan = function () { return createelement("span", document); }; _this.$emptyfunction = function () { }; function attribute(elmt, name, value) { if (value == undefined) return elmt.getattribute(name); elmt.setattribute(name, value); } function attributeex(elmt, name) { return attribute(elmt, name) || attribute(elmt, "data-" + name); } _this.$attribute = attribute; _this.$attributeex = attributeex; function classname(elmt, classname) { if (classname == undefined) return elmt.classname; elmt.classname = classname; } _this.$classname = classname; function tohash(array) { var hash = {}; each(array, function (item) { hash[item] = item; }); return hash; } _this.$tohash = tohash; function join(separator, strings) { /// /// the element to show the dialog around /// /// /// the element to show the dialog around /// var joined = ""; each(strings, function (str) { joined && (joined += separator); joined += str; }); return joined; } _this.$join = join; _this.$addclass = function (elmt, classname) { var newclassname = classname(elmt) + " " + classname; classname(elmt, join(" ", tohash(newclassname.match(regex_whitespace_global)))); }; _this.$removeclass = function (elmt, classname) { classname(elmt, join(" ", _this.$unextend(tohash(classname(elmt).match(regex_whitespace_global)), tohash(classname.match(regex_whitespace_global))))); }; _this.$parentnode = function (elmt) { return elmt.parentnode; }; _this.$hideelement = function (elmt) { _this.$cssdisplay(elmt, "none"); }; _this.$enableelement = function (elmt, notenable) { if (notenable) { _this.$attribute(elmt, "disabled", true); } else { _this.$removeattribute(elmt, "disabled"); } }; _this.$hideelements = function (elmts) { for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) { _this.$hideelement(elmts[i]); } }; _this.$showelement = function (elmt, hide) { _this.$cssdisplay(elmt, hide ? "none" : ""); }; _this.$showelements = function (elmts, hide) { for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) { _this.$showelement(elmts[i], hide); } }; _this.$removeattribute = function (elmt, attrbutename) { elmt.removeattribute(attrbutename); }; _this.$canclearclip = function () { return isbrowserie() && browserruntimeversion < 10; }; _this.$setstyleclip = function (elmt, clip) { if (clip) { elmt.style.clip = "rect(" + math.round(clip.$top) + "px " + math.round(clip.$right) + "px " + math.round(clip.$bottom) + "px " + math.round(clip.$left) + "px)"; } else { var csstext = elmt.style.csstext; var clipregs = [ new regexp(/[\s]*clip: rect\(.*?\)[;]?/i), new regexp(/[\s]*cliptop: .*?[;]?/i), new regexp(/[\s]*clipright: .*?[;]?/i), new regexp(/[\s]*clipbottom: .*?[;]?/i), new regexp(/[\s]*clipleft: .*?[;]?/i) ]; var newcsstext = buildnewcss(csstext, clipregs, ""); $jssor$.$csscsstext(elmt, newcsstext); } }; _this.$getnow = function () { return new date().gettime(); }; _this.$appendchild = function (elmt, child) { elmt.appendchild(child); }; _this.$appendchildren = function (elmt, children) { each(children, function (child) { _this.$appendchild(elmt, child); }); }; _this.$insertbefore = function (elmt, child, refobject) { elmt.insertbefore(child, refobject); }; _this.$insertadjacenthtml = function (elmt, where, text) { elmt.insertadjacenthtml(where, text); }; _this.$removechild = function (elmt, child) { elmt.removechild(child); }; _this.$removechildren = function (elmt, children) { each(children, function (child) { _this.$removechild(elmt, child); }); }; _this.$clearchildren = function (elmt) { _this.$removechildren(elmt, _this.$children(elmt)); }; _this.$parseint = function (str, radix) { return parseint(str, radix || 10); }; function parsefloat(str) { return parsefloat(str); } _this.$parsefloat = parsefloat; _this.$ischild = function (elmta, elmtb) { var body = document.body; while (elmtb && elmta != elmtb && body != elmtb) { try { elmtb = elmtb.parentnode; } catch (e) { // firefox sometimes fires events for xul elements, which throws // a "permission denied" error. so this is not a child. return false; } } return elmta == elmtb; }; function clonenode(elmt, nodeep, keepid) { var clone = elmt.clonenode(!nodeep); if (!keepid) { _this.$removeattribute(clone, "id"); } return clone; } _this.$clonenode = clonenode; function translatetransition(transition) { if (transition) { var flydirection = transition.$flydirection; if (flydirection & 1) { transition.x = transition.$scalehorizontal || 1; } if (flydirection & 2) { transition.x = -transition.$scalehorizontal || -1; } if (flydirection & 4) { transition.y = transition.$scalevertical || 1; } if (flydirection & 8) { transition.y = -transition.$scalevertical || -1; } if (transition.$rotate == true) transition.$rotate = 1; translatetransition(transition.$brother); } } _this.$translatetransitions = function (transitions) { /// /// for backward compatibility only. /// if (transitions) { for (var i = 0; i < transitions.length; i++) { translatetransition(transitions[i]); } for (var name in transitions) { translatetransition(transitions[name]); } } }; //function imageloader() { // var _thisimageloader = this; // var _baseimageloader = _this.$inherit(_thisimageloader, $jssorobject$); // var _imageloading = 1; // var _mainimagesrc; // var _mainimage; // var _completecallback; // var _mainimageabort; // function loadcompletecallback(image, abort) { // _imageloading--; // if (image) { // _this.$removeevent(image, "load"); // _this.$removeevent(image, "abort"); // _this.$removeevent(image, "error"); // if (_mainimagesrc == image.src) { // _mainimage = image; // _mainimageabort = abort; // } // } // _completecallback && _completecallback(_mainimage, _mainimageabort); // } // function loadimage(src) { // _imageloading++; // if (isbrowseropera() && browserruntimeversion < 11.6 || !src) { // loadimagecallback(callback, null, !src); // } // else { // var image = new image(); // _this.$addevent(image, "load", _this.$createcallback(null, loadimagecallback, image, false)); // var aborthandler = _this.$createcallback(null, loadimagecallback, image, true); // _this.$addevent(image, "abort", aborthandler); // _this.$addevent(image, "error", aborthandler); // image.src = src; // } // } // _thisimageloader.$loadimage = function (src, callback) { // _mainimagesrc = src; // _completecallback = callback; // loadimage(src); // loadcomplete(); // }; // _thisimageloader.$loadimages = function (imageelmts, mainimageelmt, callback) { // mainimageelmt && (_mainimagesrc = mainimageelmt.src); // _completecallback = callback; // each(imageelmts, function (imageelmt) { // loadimage(imageelmt.src); // }); // loadcomplete(); // }; //} _this.$loadimage = function (src, callback) { var image = new image(); function loadimagecompletehandler(abort) { _this.$removeevent(image, "load", loadimagecompletehandler); _this.$removeevent(image, "abort", errororaborthandler); _this.$removeevent(image, "error", errororaborthandler); if (callback) callback(image, abort); } function errororaborthandler() { loadimagecompletehandler(true); } if (isbrowseropera() && browserruntimeversion < 11.6 || !src) { loadimagecompletehandler(!src); } else { _this.$addevent(image, "load", loadimagecompletehandler); _this.$addevent(image, "abort", errororaborthandler); _this.$addevent(image, "error", errororaborthandler); image.src = src; } }; _this.$loadimages = function (imageelmts, mainimageelmt, callback) { var _imageloading = imageelmts.length + 1; function loadimagecompleteeventhandler(image, abort) { _imageloading--; if (mainimageelmt && image && image.src == mainimageelmt.src) mainimageelmt = image; !_imageloading && callback && callback(mainimageelmt); } each(imageelmts, function (imageelmt) { _this.$loadimage(imageelmt.src, loadimagecompleteeventhandler); }); loadimagecompleteeventhandler(); }; _this.$buildelement = function (template, tagname, replacer, createcopy) { if (createcopy) template = clonenode(template); var templateholders = findchildren(template, tagname); if (!templateholders.length) templateholders = $jssor$.$getelementsbytag(template, tagname); for (var j = templateholders.length - 1; j > -1; j--) { var templateholder = templateholders[j]; var replaceitem = clonenode(replacer); classname(replaceitem, classname(templateholder)); $jssor$.$csscsstext(replaceitem, templateholder.style.csstext); var thumbnailplaceholderparent = $jssor$.$parentnode(templateholder); $jssor$.$insertbefore(thumbnailplaceholderparent, replaceitem, templateholder); $jssor$.$removechild(thumbnailplaceholderparent, templateholder); } return template; }; var _mousedownbuttons; function jssorbuttonex(elmt) { var _self = this; var _originclassname; var _ismousedown; //class name 'dn' var _isselected; //class name 1(active): 'av', 2(passive): 'pv' var _isdisabled; //class name 'ds' function highlight() { var classname = _originclassname; if (_isdisabled) { classname += 'ds'; } else if (_ismousedown) { classname += 'dn'; } else if (_isselected == 2) { classname += "pv"; } else if (_isselected) { classname += "av"; } classname(elmt, classname); } function onmousedown(event) { if (_isdisabled) { _this.$cancelevent(event); } else { _mousedownbuttons.push(_self); _ismousedown = true; highlight(); } } _self.$mouseup = function () { /// /// internal member function, do not use it. /// /// _ismousedown = false; highlight(); }; _self.$selected = function (activate) { if (activate != undefined) { _isselected = activate; highlight(); } else { return _isselected; } }; _self.$enable = function (enable) { if (enable != undefined) { _isdisabled = !enable; highlight(); } else { return !_isdisabled; } }; //jssorbuttonex constructor { elmt = _this.$getelement(elmt); if (!_mousedownbuttons) { _this.$addeventbrowsermouseup(function () { var oldmousedownbuttons = _mousedownbuttons; _mousedownbuttons = []; each(oldmousedownbuttons, function (button) { button.$mouseup(); }); }); _mousedownbuttons = []; } _originclassname = classname(elmt); $jssor$.$addevent(elmt, "mousedown", onmousedown); } } _this.$buttonize = function (elmt) { return new jssorbuttonex(elmt); }; _this.$css = css; _this.$cssn = cssn; _this.$cssp = cssp; _this.$cssoverflow = cssproxy("overflow"); _this.$csstop = cssproxy("top", 2); _this.$cssleft = cssproxy("left", 2); _this.$csswidth = cssproxy("width", 2); _this.$cssheight = cssproxy("height", 2); _this.$cssmarginleft = cssproxy("marginleft", 2); _this.$cssmargintop = cssproxy("margintop", 2); _this.$cssposition = cssproxy("position"); _this.$cssdisplay = cssproxy("display"); _this.$csszindex = cssproxy("zindex", 1); _this.$cssfloat = function (elmt, floatvalue) { return css(elmt, isbrowserie() ? "stylefloat" : "cssfloat", floatvalue); }; _this.$cssopacity = function (elmt, opacity, ie9earlierforce) { if (opacity != undefined) { setstyleopacity(elmt, opacity, ie9earlierforce); } else { return getstyleopacity(elmt); } }; _this.$csscsstext = function (elmt, text) { if (text != undefined) { elmt.style.csstext = text; } else { return elmt.style.csstext; } }; var _stylegetter = { $opacity: _this.$cssopacity, $top: _this.$csstop, $left: _this.$cssleft, $width: _this.$csswidth, $height: _this.$cssheight, $position: _this.$cssposition, $display: _this.$cssdisplay, $zindex: _this.$csszindex }; var _stylesetterreserved; function stylesetter() { if (!_stylesetterreserved) { _stylesetterreserved = extend({ $margintop: _this.$cssmargintop, $marginleft: _this.$cssmarginleft, $clip: _this.$setstyleclip, $transform: _this.$setstyletransform }, _stylegetter); } return _stylesetterreserved; } function stylesetterex() { stylesetter(); //for compression only _stylesetterreserved.$transform = _stylesetterreserved.$transform; return _stylesetterreserved; } _this.$stylesetter = stylesetter; _this.$stylesetterex = stylesetterex; _this.$getstyles = function (elmt, originstyles) { stylesetter(); var styles = {}; each(originstyles, function (value, key) { if (_stylegetter[key]) { styles[key] = _stylegetter[key](elmt); } }); return styles; }; _this.$setstyles = function (elmt, styles) { var stylesetter = stylesetter(); each(styles, function (value, key) { stylesetter[key] && stylesetter[key](elmt, value); }); }; _this.$setstylesex = function (elmt, styles) { stylesetterex(); _this.$setstyles(elmt, styles); }; $jssormatrix$ = new function () { var _thismatrix = this; function multiply(ma, mb) { var acs = ma[0].length; var rows = ma.length; var cols = mb[0].length; var matrix = []; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { var row = matrix[r] = []; for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) { var unitvalue = 0; for (var ac = 0; ac < acs; ac++) { unitvalue += ma[r][ac] * mb[ac][c]; } row[c] = unitvalue; } } return matrix; } _thismatrix.$scalex = function (matrix, sx) { return _thismatrix.$scalexy(matrix, sx, 0); }; _thismatrix.$scaley = function (matrix, sy) { return _thismatrix.$scalexy(matrix, 0, sy); }; _thismatrix.$scalexy = function (matrix, sx, sy) { return multiply(matrix, [[sx, 0], [0, sy]]); }; _thismatrix.$transformpoint = function (matrix, p) { var pmatrix = multiply(matrix, [[p.x], [p.y]]); return point(pmatrix[0][0], pmatrix[1][0]); }; }; _this.$creatematrix = function (alpha, scalex, scaley) { var cos = math.cos(alpha); var sin = math.sin(alpha); //var r11 = cos; //var r21 = sin; //var r12 = -sin; //var r22 = cos; //var m11 = cos * scalex; //var m12 = -sin * scaley; //var m21 = sin * scalex; //var m22 = cos * scaley; return [[cos * scalex, -sin * scaley], [sin * scalex, cos * scaley]]; }; _this.$getmatrixoffset = function (matrix, width, height) { var p1 = $jssormatrix$.$transformpoint(matrix, point(-width / 2, -height / 2)); var p2 = $jssormatrix$.$transformpoint(matrix, point(width / 2, -height / 2)); var p3 = $jssormatrix$.$transformpoint(matrix, point(width / 2, height / 2)); var p4 = $jssormatrix$.$transformpoint(matrix, point(-width / 2, height / 2)); return point(math.min(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x) + width / 2, math.min(p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y) + height / 2); }; _this.$transform = function (fromstyles, tostyles, interposition, easings, durings, rounds, options) { var currentstyles = tostyles; if (fromstyles) { currentstyles = {}; for (var key in tostyles) { var round = rounds[key] || 1; var during = durings[key] || [0, 1]; var propertyinterposition = (interposition - during[0]) / during[1]; propertyinterposition = math.min(math.max(propertyinterposition, 0), 1); propertyinterposition = propertyinterposition * round; var floorposition = math.floor(propertyinterposition); if (propertyinterposition != floorposition) propertyinterposition -= floorposition; var easing = easings[key] || easings.$default; var easingvalue = easing(propertyinterposition); var currentpropertyvalue; var value = fromstyles[key]; var tovalue = tostyles[key]; if ($jssor$.$isnumeric(tovalue)) { currentpropertyvalue = value + (tovalue - value) * easingvalue; } else { currentpropertyvalue = $jssor$.$extend({ $offset: {} }, fromstyles[key]); $jssor$.$each(tovalue.$offset, function (rectx, n) { var offsetvalue = rectx * easingvalue; currentpropertyvalue.$offset[n] = offsetvalue; currentpropertyvalue[n] += offsetvalue; }); } currentstyles[key] = currentpropertyvalue; } if (fromstyles.$zoom) { currentstyles.$transform = { $rotate: currentstyles.$rotate || 0, $scale: currentstyles.$zoom, $originalwidth: options.$originalwidth, $originalheight: options.$originalheight }; } } if (tostyles.$clip && options.$move) { var styleframenclipoffset = currentstyles.$clip.$offset; var offsety = (styleframenclipoffset.$top || 0) + (styleframenclipoffset.$bottom || 0); var offsetx = (styleframenclipoffset.$left || 0) + (styleframenclipoffset.$right || 0); currentstyles.$left = (currentstyles.$left || 0) + offsetx; currentstyles.$top = (currentstyles.$top || 0) + offsety; currentstyles.$clip.$left -= offsetx; currentstyles.$clip.$right -= offsetx; currentstyles.$clip.$top -= offsety; currentstyles.$clip.$bottom -= offsety; } if (currentstyles.$clip && $jssor$.$canclearclip() && !currentstyles.$clip.$top && !currentstyles.$clip.$left && (currentstyles.$clip.$right == options.$originalwidth) && (currentstyles.$clip.$bottom == options.$originalheight)) currentstyles.$clip = null; return currentstyles; }; }; //$jssorobject$ var $jssorobject$ = window.$jssorobject$ = function () { var _thisobject = this; // fields var _listeners = []; // dictionary of eventname --> array of handlers var _listenees = []; // private methods function addlistener(eventname, handler) { $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (eventname == undefined || eventname == null) throw new error("param 'eventname' is null or empty."); if (typeof (handler) != "function") { throw "param 'handler' must be a function."; } $jssor$.$each(_listeners, function (listener) { if (listener.$eventname == eventname && listener.$handler === handler) { throw new error("the handler listened to the event already, cannot listen to the same event of the same object with the same handler twice."); } }); }); _listeners.push({ $eventname: eventname, $handler: handler }); } function removelistener(eventname, handler) { $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (eventname == undefined || eventname == null) throw new error("param 'eventname' is null or empty."); if (typeof (handler) != "function") { throw "param 'handler' must be a function."; } }); $jssor$.$each(_listeners, function (listener, index) { if (listener.$eventname == eventname && listener.$handler === handler) { _listeners.splice(index, 1); } }); } function clearlisteners() { _listeners = []; } function clearlistenees() { $jssor$.$each(_listenees, function (listenee) { $jssor$.$removeevent(listenee.$obj, listenee.$eventname, listenee.$handler); }); _listenees = []; } //protected methods _thisobject.$listen = function (obj, eventname, handler, usecapture) { $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (!obj) throw new error("param 'obj' is null or empty."); if (eventname == undefined || eventname == null) throw new error("param 'eventname' is null or empty."); if (typeof (handler) != "function") { throw "param 'handler' must be a function."; } $jssor$.$each(_listenees, function (listenee) { if (listenee.$obj === obj && listenee.$eventname == eventname && listenee.$handler === handler) { throw new error("the handler listened to the event already, cannot listen to the same event of the same object with the same handler twice."); } }); }); $jssor$.$addevent(obj, eventname, handler, usecapture); _listenees.push({ $obj: obj, $eventname: eventname, $handler: handler }); }; _thisobject.$unlisten = function (obj, eventname, handler) { $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (!obj) throw new error("param 'obj' is null or empty."); if (eventname == undefined || eventname == null) throw new error("param 'eventname' is null or empty."); if (typeof (handler) != "function") { throw "param 'handler' must be a function."; } }); $jssor$.$each(_listenees, function (listenee, index) { if (listenee.$obj === obj && listenee.$eventname == eventname && listenee.$handler === handler) { $jssor$.$removeevent(obj, eventname, handler); _listenees.splice(index, 1); } }); }; _thisobject.$unlistenall = clearlistenees; // public methods _thisobject.$on = _thisobject.addeventlistener = addlistener; _thisobject.$off = _thisobject.removeeventlistener = removelistener; _thisobject.$triggerevent = function (eventname) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); $jssor$.$each(_listeners, function (listener) { try { listener.$eventname == eventname && listener.$handler.apply(window, args); } catch (e) { // handler threw an error, ignore, go on to next one $jssordebug$.$error(e.name + " while executing " + eventname + " handler: " + e.message, e); } }); }; _thisobject.$destroy = function () { clearlistenees(); clearlisteners(); for (var name in _thisobject) delete _thisobject[name]; }; $jssordebug$.$c_abstractclass(_thisobject); }; $jssoranimator$ = function (delay, duration, options, elmt, fromstyles, tostyles) { delay = delay || 0; var _thisanimator = this; var _autoplay; var _hiden; var _combinemode; var _playtoposition; var _playdirection; var _nostop; var _timestamplastframe = 0; var _subeasings; var _subrounds; var _subdurings; var _callback; var _shift = 0; var _position_current = 0; var _position_display = 0; var _hooked; var _position_innerbegin = delay; var _position_innerend = delay + duration; var _position_outerbegin; var _position_outerend; var _looplength; var _nestedanimators = []; var _stylesetter; function getpositionrange(position, begin, end) { var range = 0; if (position < begin) range = -1; else if (position > end) range = 1; return range; } function getinnerpositionrange(position) { return getpositionrange(position, _position_innerbegin, _position_innerend); } function getouterpositionrange(position) { return getpositionrange(position, _position_outerbegin, _position_outerend); } function shift(offset) { _position_outerbegin += offset; _position_outerend += offset; _position_innerbegin += offset; _position_innerend += offset; _position_current += offset; _position_display += offset; _shift = offset; //$jssor$.$each(_nestedanimators, function (animator) { // animator, animator.$shift(offset); //}); } function locate(position, relative) { var offset = position - _position_outerbegin + delay * relative; shift(offset); //$jssordebug$.$execute(function () { // _thisanimator.$position_innerbegin = _position_innerbegin; // _thisanimator.$position_innerend = _position_innerend; // _thisanimator.$position_outerbegin = _position_outerbegin; // _thisanimator.$position_outerend = _position_outerend; //}); return _position_outerend; } function gotoposition(positionouter, force) { var trimedpositionouter = positionouter; if (_looplength && (trimedpositionouter >= _position_outerend || trimedpositionouter <= _position_outerbegin)) { trimedpositionouter = ((trimedpositionouter - _position_outerbegin) % _looplength + _looplength) % _looplength + _position_outerbegin; } if (!_hooked || _nostop || force || _position_current != trimedpositionouter) { var positiontodisplay = math.min(trimedpositionouter, _position_outerend); positiontodisplay = math.max(positiontodisplay, _position_outerbegin); if (!_hooked || _nostop || force || positiontodisplay != _position_display) { if (tostyles) { var interposition = (positiontodisplay - _position_innerbegin) / (duration || 1); //if (options.$optimize && $jssor$.$isbrowserchrome() && duration) { // interposition = math.round(interposition / 8 * duration) * 8 / duration; //} if (options.$reverse) interposition = 1 - interposition; var currentstyles = $jssor$.$transform(fromstyles, tostyles, interposition, _subeasings, _subdurings, _subrounds, options); $jssor$.$each(currentstyles, function (value, key) { _stylesetter[key] && _stylesetter[key](elmt, value); }); } _thisanimator.$oninneroffsetchange(_position_display - _position_innerbegin, positiontodisplay - _position_innerbegin); } _position_display = positiontodisplay; $jssor$.$each(_nestedanimators, function (animator, i) { var nestedanimator = positionouter < _position_current ? _nestedanimators[_nestedanimators.length - i - 1] : animator; nestedanimator.$gotoposition(positionouter - _shift, force); }); var positionold = _position_current; var positionnew = positionouter; _position_current = trimedpositionouter; _hooked = true; _thisanimator.$onpositionchange(positionold, positionnew); } } function join(animator, combinemode, noexpand) { /// /// combine another animator as nested animator /// /// /// an instance of $jssoranimator$ /// /// /// 0: parallel - place the animator parallel to this animator. /// 1: chain - chain the animator at the _position_innerend of this animator. /// $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if (combinemode !== 0 && combinemode !== 1) $jssordebug$.$fail("argument out of range, the value of 'combinemode' should be either 0 or 1."); }); if (combinemode) animator.$locate(_position_outerend, 1); !noexpand && (_position_outerend = math.max(_position_outerend, animator.$getposition_outerend())); _nestedanimators.push(animator); } var requestanimationframe = window.requestanimationframe || window.webkitrequestanimationframe || window.mozrequestanimationframe || window.msrequestanimationframe; if ($jssor$.$isbrowsersafari() && $jssor$.$browserversion() < 7) { requestanimationframe = null; $jssordebug$.$log("custom animation frame for safari before 7."); } requestanimationframe = requestanimationframe || function (callback) { $jssor$.$delay(callback, options.$interval); }; function showframe() { if (_autoplay) { var now = $jssor$.$getnow(); var timeoffset = math.min(now - _timestamplastframe, options.$intervalmax); var timeposition = _position_current + timeoffset * _playdirection; _timestamplastframe = now; if (timeposition * _playdirection >= _playtoposition * _playdirection) timeposition = _playtoposition; gotoposition(timeposition); if (!_nostop && timeposition * _playdirection >= _playtoposition * _playdirection) { stop(_callback); } else { requestanimationframe(showframe); } } } function playtoposition(toposition, callback, nostop) { if (!_autoplay) { _autoplay = true; _nostop = nostop _callback = callback; toposition = math.max(toposition, _position_outerbegin); toposition = math.min(toposition, _position_outerend); _playtoposition = toposition; _playdirection = _playtoposition < _position_current ? -1 : 1; _thisanimator.$onstart(); _timestamplastframe = $jssor$.$getnow(); requestanimationframe(showframe); } } function stop(callback) { if (_autoplay) { _nostop = _autoplay = _callback = false; _thisanimator.$onstop(); if (callback) callback(); } } _thisanimator.$play = function (positionlength, callback, nostop) { playtoposition(positionlength ? _position_current + positionlength : _position_outerend, callback, nostop); }; _thisanimator.$playtoposition = playtoposition; _thisanimator.$playtobegin = function (callback, nostop) { playtoposition(_position_outerbegin, callback, nostop); }; _thisanimator.$playtoend = function (callback, nostop) { playtoposition(_position_outerend, callback, nostop); }; _thisanimator.$stop = stop; _thisanimator.$continue = function (toposition) { playtoposition(toposition); }; _thisanimator.$getposition = function () { return _position_current; }; _thisanimator.$getplaytoposition = function () { return _playtoposition; }; _thisanimator.$getposition_display = function () { return _position_display; }; _thisanimator.$gotoposition = gotoposition; _thisanimator.$gotobegin = function () { gotoposition(_position_outerbegin, true); }; _thisanimator.$gotoend = function () { gotoposition(_position_outerend, true); }; _thisanimator.$move = function (offset) { gotoposition(_position_current + offset); }; _thisanimator.$combinemode = function () { return _combinemode; }; _thisanimator.$getduration = function () { return duration; }; _thisanimator.$isplaying = function () { return _autoplay; }; _thisanimator.$isontheway = function () { return _position_current > _position_innerbegin && _position_current <= _position_innerend; }; _thisanimator.$setlooplength = function (length) { _looplength = length; }; _thisanimator.$locate = locate; _thisanimator.$shift = shift; _thisanimator.$join = join; _thisanimator.$combine = function (animator) { /// /// combine another animator parallel to this animator /// /// /// an instance of $jssoranimator$ /// join(animator, 0); }; _thisanimator.$chain = function (animator) { /// /// chain another animator at the _position_innerend of this animator /// /// /// an instance of $jssoranimator$ /// join(animator, 1); }; _thisanimator.$getposition_innerbegin = function () { /// /// internal member function, do not use it. /// /// /// return _position_innerbegin; }; _thisanimator.$getposition_innerend = function () { /// /// internal member function, do not use it. /// /// /// return _position_innerend; }; _thisanimator.$getposition_outerbegin = function () { /// /// internal member function, do not use it. /// /// /// return _position_outerbegin; }; _thisanimator.$getposition_outerend = function () { /// /// internal member function, do not use it. /// /// /// return _position_outerend; }; _thisanimator.$onpositionchange = _thisanimator.$onstart = _thisanimator.$onstop = _thisanimator.$oninneroffsetchange = $jssor$.$emptyfunction; _thisanimator.$version = $jssor$.$getnow(); //constructor 1 { options = $jssor$.$extend({ $interval: 16, $intervalmax: 50 }, options); //sodo statement, for development time intellisence only $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { options = $jssor$.$extend({ $looplength: undefined, $setter: undefined, $easing: undefined }, options); }); _looplength = options.$looplength; _stylesetter = $jssor$.$extend({}, $jssor$.$stylesetter(), options.$setter); _position_outerbegin = _position_innerbegin = delay; _position_outerend = _position_innerend = delay + duration; _subrounds = options.$round || {}; _subdurings = options.$during || {}; _subeasings = $jssor$.$extend({ $default: $jssor$.$isfunction(options.$easing) && options.$easing || $jssoreasing$.$easeswing }, options.$easing); } }; function $jssorplayerclass$() { var _thisplayer = this; var _playercontrollers = []; function playercontroller(playerelement) { var _selfplayercontroller = this; var _playerinstance; var _playerinstantces = []; function onplayerinstancedataavailable(event) { var srcelement = $jssor$.$eventsrc(event); _playerinstance = srcelement.pinstance; $jssor$.$removeevent(srcelement, "dataavailable", onplayerinstancedataavailable); $jssor$.$each(_playerinstantces, function (playerinstance) { if (playerinstance != _playerinstance) { playerinstance.$remove(); } }); playerelement.ptagname = _playerinstance.tagname; _playerinstantces = null; } function handleplayerinstance(playerinstanceelement) { var playerhandler; if (!playerinstanceelement.pinstance) { var playerhandlerattribute = $jssor$.$attributeex(playerinstanceelement, "phandler"); if ($jssorplayer$[playerhandlerattribute]) { $jssor$.$addevent(playerinstanceelement, "dataavailable", onplayerinstancedataavailable); playerhandler = new $jssorplayer$[playerhandlerattribute](playerelement, playerinstanceelement); _playerinstantces.push(playerhandler); $jssordebug$.$execute(function () { if ($jssor$.$type(playerhandler.$remove) != "function") { $jssordebug$.$fail("'premove' interface not implemented for player handler '" + playerhandlerattribute + "'."); } }); } } return playerhandler; } _selfplayercontroller.$initplayercontroller = function () { if (!playerelement.pinstance && !handleplayerinstance(playerelement)) { var playerinstanceelements = $jssor$.$children(playerelement); $jssor$.$each(playerinstanceelements, function (playerinstanceelement) { handleplayerinstance(playerinstanceelement); }); } }; } _thisplayer.$evt_switch = 21; _thisplayer.$fetchplayers = function (elmt) { elmt = elmt || document.body; var playerelements = $jssor$.$findchildren(elmt, "player"); $jssor$.$each(playerelements, function (playerelement) { if (!_playercontrollers[playerelement.pid]) { playerelement.pid = _playercontrollers.length; _playercontrollers.push(new playercontroller(playerelement)); } var playercontroller = _playercontrollers[playerelement.pid]; playercontroller.$initplayercontroller(); }); }; }